The remote mine site operated by Red River Resources sought a RO system that could desalinate bore water utilising the four bores available at the mine.
Once treated, the water was to be used for on-site accommodation, as well as for ore treatment.
How Rowater helped Red River with their high quality water solutions.
In 2017 Rowater designed, fabricated and commissioned an RO system able to desalinate any of the four available bores with a TDS of approximately 1,000 ppm. The system is able to produce 30,000 L/day of product water and included additional pre-treatment processes for the removal of iron in the bore water with the RO product water remineralised to improve taste and to prevent corrosion of copper pipework.
The RO system, which is maintained cooperatively by Red River Resources and Rowater, continues to produce high quality potable water for the mine site.